Monday, August 1, 2011

Ah, August.

A new month, a new blog. Soon, I'll be leaving my internship/job to drive to my college/grad school town, dropping off a book and picking up something from a generous friend. My budget sheet for the past year ran August-July, so today marks a fresh start of sorts. I'm trying to do my hair (at least brush it) every day, I carry a Moleskine in my purse so I can sketch and "make memories" (the only not-so-glam sketch? Oil change.), and I really need to stop picking my zits. Like really. My skin is so pasty that all scars show and don't go away. Pray for Proactiv miracles.

I've always enjoyed writing, but never been good at keeping a diary or journal, despite my best efforts. Perhaps I'll get really into this blogger thing and become technologically sophisticated. Fat chance, but we can dream.

The origin of the blog title? A wonderful visit to a wonderful city with a wonderful friend. Our friendship will always bear the mark of that trip, and on particularly dreary days (in weather or spirits), it is a beacon of light and a beacon of hope- that one day, I/we will return to the city, relive the glory days, and remember what life is really about.